Late Summer Storm
(24" x 18")
(24" x 18")
Another White Combine Harvest
(60 x 40 diptych)
(60 x 40 diptych)
Currently on loan to Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennett
Background Information About this Piece:
As wheat farmers living on the high plains of Eastern Colorado, we are
at the mercy of the weather. Large super-storms like the one in this
painting can wipe out an entire crop in the matter of minutes. Hail
storms such as this are often called "The White Combine" and so, the
title of this painting.
The Red Sundress
(36" x 24" x 1.5" gallery wrapped canvas)
Insights to this painting:
The red sundress is more than a focal point of interest to bring a bit of color to the painting.
We are so small yet with confidence ~the red sundress~ we can face challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky; therefore the title, "The Red Sundress". As you walk on the shores of life, face challenges head on with confidence - but still hold onto your hat. Another little insight to this painting. Notice that she is walking along an empty shore away from the grassy dune. It's OK to get out of your comfort zone.
The red sundress is more than a focal point of interest to bring a bit of color to the painting.
We are so small yet with confidence ~the red sundress~ we can face challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky; therefore the title, "The Red Sundress". As you walk on the shores of life, face challenges head on with confidence - but still hold onto your hat. Another little insight to this painting. Notice that she is walking along an empty shore away from the grassy dune. It's OK to get out of your comfort zone.
Nienhueser Farm
(48" x 24")
Commission - Private Collection
Gathering Storm
(36" x 24")
Nothing But Grass and Sky
(48" x 30")
(Commission - Private Collection)
The client grew up on the eastern plains of Colorado and currently living in a big city. He wanted a painting of a wide open landscape - no buildings, no trees, no fences - just grass and sky.
(18" x 24")
The yucca were in full bloom a couple of weeks ago. Saw these beauties while driving through Western Nebraska on our way up to the Black Hills. Think they are one of the most beautiful prairie wild flowers.
The Good Life
(18 x 24)
Commission - Private Collection
The clients were avid campers and wanted a painting of their camper by one of their favorite camping spots - along the Missouri River, near Yankton, SD.

Portrait of Parents
(18" x 24")
Commission - Private Collection
The Guardian Angel
(18" x 24")
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God's love
commits me here,
Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide. Amen.
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God's love
commits me here,
Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide. Amen.
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